Wednesday, March 17, 2010


First of, I'm so blessed to have my family and my friends. I want to thank God for giving me another year to live my life through Him. 

This birthday was probably the chillest and most relaxing birthday I've had. There were no parties to arrange and set up, no presents, and no expectations. Birthdays are supposed to be like this, not like what I've had in the past where I worried myself sick about throwing a party and expecting all kinds of presents. 

Man, how I love being in Europe and gaining a totally different perspective of how life should really be. Not saying that being in the US is bad, it's just nice to experience another lifestyle and culture. 

Anyways, I went to school today to tutor the two girls that I've been tutoring. I came in early with a smile on my face although I was exhausted and worn out. Some of the teachers remembered it was my bday (through facebook) and greeted me which was nice enough. Some of the other teachers even sang me their Dutch birthday song, and a couple more teachers approached me to wish me a happy birthday. It was very sincere. 

I had fun with the two girls. My mentor teacher provided me with these books that are so much fun to work with. The two girls and I worked on word order, vocabulary, grammar, prepositions - all dealing with shopping! - their ultimate favorite thing to do! I even got hugs from them (totally out of Dutch culture) because it was my birthday. They also want to meet with me more during the week! :)

All of the people who cared the most called or emailed just to wish me a Happy Birthday. I do have to give a shout out to Clayton for being the first one from the states to call me on my birthday (Netherlands time). 

Since I started on the journey to get a closer relationship with God, I feel much happier and content. Everything is falling in place with God guiding me. I do sometimes wonder if I'm doing things right. I don't know, it's weird to explain. 

I also found out that I have to teach more classes tomorrow because one of my mentor teacher is sick, and I'm taking over her classes. Late notice, but I'm excited. 

Great news! Anthony got accepted as an OSI agent in the Air Force. I'm really proud of him. God is constantly blessing us. 

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