Monday, January 25, 2010


As crazy as my Friday was, my Saturday and Sunday were the complete opposite. On Friday night, we did end up going out to dinner with the teachers. Little did we know that we would be so tired from the field trip that we went home right after dinner instead of going out dancing. 

Anyways, Friday night was a total adventure because we didn't know exactly where the restaurant was that we were meeting the teachers at. We ended up walking for an hour and a half trying to look for this place. We stopped to ask for directions twice, but it was useless. So by the time we finally found the restaurant, we were both a little grumpy and way too tired. 

Saturday, the weather wasn't as nice, but we had to go see at least one museum and go grocery shopping. We ended up going to the Maritime Museum, and the brochures were all in Dutch. We did get a really cool pin. Then, we walked some more and found a coffee shop! It's really interesting how some drugs are totally legal here, and I was pretty amazed at how this coffee shop did business. I felt like I was in a really bad place, so it was definitely a new experience. We went grocery shopping for the week also. :)

Sunday, all we really did was go to dinner at my mentor teacher's place. She cooked Indonesian food, and like always, it was amazing. :) Her kids are adorable. Rosa, who's turning 4, actually sat on my lap. Roommate and I are planning a trip to Barcelona and Paris for our Spring Break, but it's a bit frustrating because we can't figure out exactly just how much the trip will be. 

As far as my boyfriend and I. we have a mutual agreement that we still have a lot of growing up before we can really get back together. So for the whole duration that I'm here in Europe, we won't be communicating at all. Which is kind of nerve wrecking because I've talked to him everyday for almost three years. It's weird, but I know it's for the best. It does make me wonder though if we'll greet each other on our birthdays...

Eh. Everything happens for a reason, right? :)

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