Friday, January 15, 2010


Oops, I forgot to write on my blog last night about my Thursday.

Well, I was at school from 9 am until 7 pm. Yes, pretty intense.

I did the whole class thing. I found out that my fourth years (the 9th graders) really liked me. I also found out that the 1st year students were quite fond of me too. I'm pretty excited. They all want me to teach them English.

Exciting piece of information for the day: My roommate and I were invited to go in for drinks and just a good time. Who invited us, you ask. Well of course, the other teachers! Some of them are quite young, only like 2 or 3 years older than us and they invited us out after school today.

Another much older teacher came up to us yesterday and also invited us to dinner and drinks next Friday. So now it seems that we are booked. :) And she said, "We stay out until 4 am so be ready." Whoa.

Then at 3:30pm, my roommate and I went to this good bye ceremony. The head lady of all 7 buildings is moving to Amsterdam to be with her husband. The other teachers and administrators brought along presents, the students performed for her, and there were lots of speeches given. Lots of giving away paintings and art sculptures too. The interesting thing though is that during this ceremony in our cantene at the school, alcohol was served. There were red wine, white wine, and beer. Keep in mind that some students were present. That would never happen at the schools in the US.

During the ceremony, another teacher (who teaches Biology) came up to us and asked about our night life. She said that she will give us a list of places to go in Rotterdam that are safe and legit. Needless to say, Ashton and I will be hanging out with our colleageus.

The relationships here between the teachers are phenomenal. Everyone seems to get along well, and they actually have fun together outside of the school. They make sure to go out with each other at least 3 times a year.

Anyways, I'm off to start doing my lesson plans. Yay for teaching next week!

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