Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Funny stories:
1. I wanted to apply for a bonus card at a grocery store and the application was in Dutch. I took forever so the lady was just like, it's ok...here, just have it. Lol.

2. After my roommate and I picked out our groceries, the cashier thought it would be smart to not give us our change that we desperately needed. ---- So I complained. The lady couldn't understand me, and I couldn't understand her, but I showed her my receipt and she understood. What is that?!?! I don't want to jump into conclusions, but uh...do you think it has to do with my roommate and me being foreign? Hmmm....I just couldn't believe it.

Thought for the day:
If anyone can answer this, I would greatly appreciate it.
"Why is it that public schools in the US don't talk about religion and sex?"

One of my students wanted to know...and all I could say was, well it has everything to do with preventing arguments and parents screaming at teachers. And he still didn't understand...so someone please help me with this.

I went to a remedial English class today, which means students who are very limited with their English. The teacher (who is amazing) wants me to work with the students and do everything and anything that I want (I have the freedom to do whatever I'd like!) Also, they are 12 year olds so on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have them to teach!

Also, next week, I start teaching! I'm teaching 16-17 year olds. Whoa, right? Hopefully my lesson plan isn't too middle age-ish. We'll see.

My mentor teacher is my hero. She called the internet company, and she got my internet working at my apartment! Hopefully, anyway...I'm not home yet. I'm still at the school.

Well, wish me luck! :)

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