Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Question of the day: ''Oh you can just heat up the soup from the can."
Answer of the day: "Have you not heard of Campbells in America?''

Whoops. So I totally had my first tomato soup today, and I have to's one of my favorites. :) Today is my work day. I just had to come in and research different activities I can do with the different classes concerning English grammar of course.

So as I was searching and doing work, I get a phone call from my mentor teacher telling me that she got an email back from the American woman and that I have to call her before 12.

Ok, so I did. And she gave me directions to her house and said "Come on over." But I had things to do, but of course, I couldn't say no. And if you're my friend, you know that I just hate dropping have to let me know in advance.

I had to find her house by myself, and at first I was thinking, Man this woman is pushy. Great. But she's absolutely amazing. Of course, she knows what she wants. She told me that I needed to grow balls and hair on my chest. Lol. Whoa, right?

Anyways, we picked up her two adorable daughters from a Montessori school, and she's hooked me up with that school. I met the English teacher, and I can drop by anytime. I have to email the English teacher my schedule. :) Also, I'm going to class with this American woman tomorrow (she teaches Nursing at college level in English). Her students are all my age, and she wants me to meet them. She's also planning on introducing me to the education professors there.

Then, she told me about this American International School in Rotterdam...and BAM! She's giving me another opportunity to work at another school. She wants me to teach at different schools so that I'm definitely gaining new perspectives on education and all that good stuff. How freakin exciting!!!!!!!!

So now, I have Calvijn (my main school), Montessori school, College, and AIS...not even including the primary school that my mentor teacher´s son attends, and her husband´s contacts with another school!

I´m super excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now off to the cheap supermarket that this American woman showed me. Goodness. Americans can be so helpful....and she gave me a hug! I miss hugs! They don´t hug here, they shake hands. And it takes a while for them to do the whole three kisses on the cheeks...

I´m turning in my paperwork for internet tomorrow. So hopefully by the weekend, I will have skype!! Ah!

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