Monday, April 12, 2010


Today started out really slow. I got up, got on facebook, and found my little brother engaged to his girlfriend. What the heck!? This is one of those times where I don't know what to say, and I'm upset that I'm not home to talk some sense into him. 

Anyways, I was late for school because of that discovery. Annemarie and I only had the 5th years and we just had to do paperwork and all that jazz to get them ready for their exams that I'm helping to make. :)

So, I talked to Hans about contacting Barendrecht and getting me an interview before I leave for the US. Barendrecht just said we'll see. Ha. It's a little disappointing, but I have hope that God has a better plan for me than the plan I have for myself. I really do miss my family though so it is time to go home. 

I sat in on the English verbal exam of the higher level 5th years. It was an interesting procedure, just a really casual conversation to check for grammar, pronunciation, fluency, etc. I was with Annemarie and Michel, and it was very laid back and amusing. Michel has such a British accent that it made me smile. He criticized America a lot too about introducing fast food restaurants and saggy pants. 

Then, it made me realize just how much the adults here really dislike America and look down on America. Not everyone, of course, but I've just heard plenty of negative comments about America. I mean I sometimes dislike it but it's okay, I'm from there. However, I do find it offensive when older Dutch people criticize my American accent and makes unnecessary comments about America. It's kind of like me making fun of my sibling - it's ok but when someone else does it - it's not ok.

Needless to say, I kept a smile on my face and played off the comments. Back to the verbal exam, the students each get 10-15 minutes to speak with the teachers. The questions can be about their interests, etc so it's like grading the students but also getting to know them. It was amusing. 

I also received my evaluations from Annemarie and Hans. :) How exciting. I also witnessed my first process of accepting a new student in the school. Hans had a meeting with the student and their family to discuss the school expectations, fill out paperwork, etc. The student was so excited to be accepted in the school. The student was with her sister, who took interest in me and asked a lot about America. 

The weather was beautiful today, by the way. I cycled to Lillian's house to take a picture with her and just to say thanks and good bye. She gave me more insight about everything that I've done. The resume and cover letter that I was so proud of, she butchered and said it was horrible. I mean, I took a class and everything to put the resume and cover letter together. Oh well. She did find me another English teaching position that I can apply to. I just have to revise my resume and cover letter to the Dutch way. 

Then, I went home and cooked dinner. I'm really so proud of myself. I have to make sure that I eat everything before this Friday when I leave for Poland then Romania. 

I packed one luggage already! I think I might have extra room in my other luggage. I'm so excited! :) 

And my parents are the greatest. They make me laugh. I can't wait to see them.

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