Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Netherlands - Here I come!

Although I'm $2000 short for my trip, that just means I'm going to have to starve. Hahahahahahahaha. :)

So...I'm leaving tomorrow! How exciting! I just received my scholarship money, but for some odd reason, I am $1000 short...and the Bursar's office is closed until Jan 4. Ugh. But believe me, I will get it. :)

Anyways, I get to check in online with British Airways to choose my seat and pay for luggage today at 8pm! Anthony recently repacked everything for me (ha. He did way better than me!) We weighed my luggage and both are 47 pounds each. Whoa. It's going to be tough carrying both by myself, but my muscles should be pretty pumping after my flight. 

I figured out that the shuttle bus is way cheaper ($27.50) than a private driver from the two airports in London. I'm pretty psyched about that. I guess I should buy it today. I will later when I sign in for British Airways. 

I took out money from the bank (since my parents keep insisting that I need cash....hopefully I don't loose it). I also moved out of my apartment today, so goodbye Abbey West! Anthony, Steven, and I did work -- meaning cleaning, scrubbing to the point where we all smell of bleach. Whoa.

Hmm...what else? Oh yea, it will be snowing in The Netherlands when I arrive! I'm also having dinner with my mentor teacher's family! My roommate from Kentucky gets in on Jan 10 so I will be alone until she arrives. Hopefully no paranormal activity goes on. I swear, that movie has got me scarred for life. 

P.S. I've been spending these last few days with the bf, and I'm truly going to miss him. No yelling and fighting for four months. Life can't get better. Lol. 

I can't wait to put pictures up! Yay!

Have a great New Year's Celebration! I will be on a plane. Maybe I'll have a drink. :)

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